In by zeinab



Country: Canada
This event is an interactive dialogue co-hosted by Career Exploration & Education and the Multi-Faith Centre as part of the offerings for World Interfaith Harmony Week.
Please note this event is HYBRID. You are welcome to join either online (via Zoom) or in-person (800 Bay Street). Join us for a cup of coffee or tea, and a discussion to... 
  • Explore how to integrate and honour your religious, spiritual, cultural, and values-based identities in job searching and the workplace
  • Determine how to assess a company/organization to see how well they honor your religious, spiritual, and cultural values
  • Learn about your rights and requests for religious accomodations in the workplace
What should I expect in this session? 
  • Our sessions involve an interactive presentation and center dialogue and connection between and across our experiences and identities. We will also have the opportunity to collectively reimagine the world of work, as it relates to our identities, priorities and values.
Is this session online or in-person? 
  • Both! You can join us over Zoom or in-person.
  • If joining in-person, the workshop will occur at 800 Bay Street on the 5th Floor, in Workshop Room A.
    • Coffee, tea, and light refreshments will be provided for in-person attendees.
  • If joining over Zoom, a link will be provided to you shortly before the event by email.
What else do I need to know?
  • Ensure you register! Registration will provide you with the link and instructions for accessing the online session.
  • If attending online, Prepare by reviewing the Tip Sheet for Joining Zoom meetings
  • Arrive on time (or early). Events start on time and you may be denied entry after the start time.
  • If you can no longer attend, please cancel your registration to allow others to participate
  • If there is additional capacity, waitlisted individuals will be notified via email prior to the start of the session.
  • Only University of Toronto students and recent alumni (within the past two years) are eligible to attend.