God’s House celebrates 10 years
Country: Sweden
City: Stockholm, Fisksätra
Since the 1990s good relations have existed between Muslims and Christians (Protestants and Catholics) in Fisksätra through cooperation and respect of each other’s traditions. Fisksätra is a suburb situated outside of Stockholm, Sweden. We are convinced that peace is achieved through meetings. People that meet. Humans and God that meet. Heaven and earth that meet. Our vision is that God's House will be a resource for peace and serenity in our lives.
10 years ago the interfaith dialogue paced up when the work for a common God's House in Fisksätra was initiated. The idea of a joint building called God's House as a natural meeting place for Muslims and Christians in Fisksätra. It would also serve as a solution to the needs of the three different communities in having their own dedicated spaces.
On February 2nd we are celebrating these 10 years of collaboration with special invited guests, lectures, music and peace prayers. Our invited guests that will bring forward greetings during the peace program are Gregor Hohberg, Minister from House of One in Berlin, Archbishop Antje Jackelén, Cardinal Anders Arborelius, Rabbi Ute Steyer and Imam Muhammad Muslim Eneborg. Lectures will be held by Revd Dr Terry Biddington from Winchester and Sikandar Mirza, President of UK Islamic Mission.
We are also happy to celebrate this day together with the international interfaith community during the World Interfaith Harmony Week which takes place the first week of February every year.City: Stockholm, Fisksätra