Global Burn Eradication Project
Country: United States
City: Los Angeles, California
The Global Burn Eradication Project: The FireBurnDoctor.
The world’s first Remote Doing Protocol to erase the pain and injury from severe burns. Any persons or animals can be treated for severe burns from any distance, INSTANTLY, by calling or texting the FireBurnDoctor number within 30 minutes of exposure to fire.
Call 1-818-332-6445.
1. Name at birth (maiden name)
2. Date of birth
3. Place of birth
4. Any photo of the person or animal
5. Time of burn
Watch RUSH the FireBurnDoctor film on YouTube (it’s in two halves, watch it all) that will explain and show what is actually going on with this FREE, Global Project, aiming to save millions of lives annually from death, disfigurement, long term misery from chronic recurring injury due to the woefully inadequate standard medical treatment aftermath.
Tell All, Spread the Protocol. Los Angeles, California