Gathering with all religions Muslims, Christians, Hindus, and Sikhs on one platform
City: Lahore
Emmanuel Gulzar
H#168/38 Gill St. Bahar Collony 2 Kotlakhpat Lahore.
Although there have been researches exploring the impact of COVID-19, there is a lack of rigorous literature highlighting these issues from the perspective of gender. This also involves the issue of rising gender violence during the pandemic. Spreading the message of interfaith activities, peace, and harmony among religious leaders are what makes her more popular most especially taking the campaign to the mosque, temple, and churches including meeting with other traditional believers. Over the years the Governments in Pakistan have been changing but the concern and desperate need for interfaith harmony has never been ignored by any preceding governments and the present Government after having disastrous bloodshed, devastation, and cultural deterioration due to ethnic pluralism which very badly damaged the economy of our beloved country Pakistan. The Minority Coverage Foundation is playing a vital role in contributing to the efforts of building bridges in all religions, deeper understanding for the respect of all religions and every human being leading to creating a culture of peace, harmony, and brotherhood. The Minority Coverage Foundation is also focusing on the need for interfaith harmony in future generations. Keeping in view the concern of the United Nations observance of World Interfaith Harmony Week, the Minority Coverage Foundation organized a special event for impacting new generations for interfaith harmony on 25th February 2021 gathering of all religions Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs. These were led by their religious scholars and leaders. They all emphasize teaching the children the need for interfaith harmony for peace and prosperity of the beloved country Pakistan. This will help us to establish a sustainable, equitable, and peaceful world. This effort will be continued by the Minority Coverage Foundation both in urban and rural areas of Pakistan. All the participants were entertained with a delicious lunch to spend time with each other. The participant gladly mixed up with each other and enjoyed the event. We are grateful to the media both print and electronic who very graciously covered the event. We are also indebted to the United Nations for their efforts for promoting interfaith harmony throughout the world for keeping week for the observance of World Interfaith Harmony Week for peace and the prosperity of the World. Our organization does not believe in differences in color and cast.
All events of 2020 on peace and interfaith harmony links: https://mincof.org/world-interfaith-harmony-week/ https://mincof.org/celebration-of-eid-milad-un-nabi-2020__trashed/ https://mincof.org/celebrating-guru-nanaks-birthday/