From Brethren in One Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc., (Preached in Parables) to Friends, the Omnipotent Ambassadors of our Bridegroom Christ Jesus, the Apostles.

In by Nijjhar



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From Brethren in One Supernatural Father Elohim (Preached in Parables) to Friends Omnipotent Ambassadors of our Bridegroom Christ Jesus, the Apostles. END TIMES ULTIMATE GOSPEL. Let us put Christ and join hands to Preach the Bottom Line Gospel Truth, the Rock over which you Build the Temple of God for your own worship in the Gospel Truth called "Logo" and in the unbiased holy spirit of a little Child. GOSPEL IS ACQUIRED BY THE SOLITARY SEEKERS AND NOT THE BLIND FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST JESUS. In Jesus, you should be capable of logical; reasoning and not go by what this man or Holy Book said. You need to exercise the holy spirit called "common sense", Surti in Punjabi. Second coming of Christ Jesus was Satguru = Christ Nanak Dev Ji of Punjab born among the most spiritually sick "Blood Suckers" people of Khatri tribe and like the less "Blood Sucker" people of the Judah tribe people. He Preached the Gospel for 150 years through 5 more Lights to PERFECTION leaving no stone unturned. Thus, Christ is known to the people of the holy spirit as the Samaritans were and not to the Jews outwardly, unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh, the sons of Most High Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa, the Tares - Matt 13.v24-30 - that are getting bundled up in Israel for the Final Burning through Atomic War expected when Israel is 75 years old - 14/05/2023. In a nutshell, this Dark Age is no more of the Holy Books called Scriptures but of revelations through logical reasoning that Brews "Logo", which is His Word, New Wine, New Cloth untouched by the human hand or it could not be written down in ink on paper but over the living Tablets of living in holy spirit hearts. The holy spirit = common sense/Surtti is by the grace of our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. and you can use it to earn the Gospel Treasures or misuse it, an evil spirit to suck the blood of the poor through cheating; it is left up to you. That is, the Gospel cannot be written down in ink on paper as the Scriptures, the Milk for the once-born babies are. Gospel is Flesh of Jesus and Nanak or what came out of the mouth of them. Holy spirit, common sense, shatters the fetters of the dead letters, the Holy Books. If we have One God, our Supernatural Father of our souls, then there should be one Faith and not many in which the spiritually blind people define an elephant. In Christianity, Jesus said One Fold called Church of God headed by One Shepherd, our Bridegroom Christ Jesus/Christ = Satguru Nanak Dev Ji, the Second coming of Jesus. Solid Proof; this Golden Temple is of the same size as the Holiest of Holy that used to be in Jerusalem and its Curtain holding the Secrets of the Oral Torah = His Word was rendered from Top, the Temple High Priests, to Bottom, the village Rabbis off you go – Luke 16v16; Law and Prophets were till John and thus, everyone makes a direct approach to God through His Word = Logo = SATGUR PARSAD. So, these hireling Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches, Mullahs in the Mosques, etc., they cannot give your account to God as the Rabbis used to give at Passover. So, they are "ANTICHRISTS called AL-DJMAR AL-AKSA" that has a following of the spiritually blind Super Bastard Fanatic Devils - John 8v44 -, the Hindu, Jew, Sikh, Christian, Muslim, etc. of the physical body, Outwardly, and not spiritual inwardly. These spiritual selves Hindu, Jew, Christian, Sikh, Muslim, etc., they are never born like Christ, the Title and they never die but the tribal selves Judah, Levi, Jatt, Tarkhan, etc. that were born and they will die. Today, the Last Prophecy Matt 13v24-30 is being fulfilled. When the End of this Dark Age, KALYUG, comes, I will bundle up the tares, the Jews outwardly who are unfaithful to Abraham of the Semitic race outwardly, the Anti-Semitic sons of Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa they are getting bundled up in Israel for the Final Burning through Atomic War expected to take place on 14 May 2023 when Israel is 75 years old. On 14/05/2018, the President of America Donald Trump pressed the TRIBULATIONS BUTTON by declaring Jerusalem to be the Capital of Israel. Israel is supposed to occupy all its Promised Land and that would ignite the Atomic Bombs. The Natures of these “Tares” is well depicted in the destruction of Iraq wherefrom Yahweh picked up the Rootstock Abram and Sarah as Adam and Eve and gave them the Promised Land as the Garden of Eden to enjoy the best fruit of Mother Earth. There were no WMD in Iraq is confirmed by a retired Major General who runs a Ministry and he told us in a sermon. So, Tony Blair and Bush, they blasphemed against the Holy Spirit and for this they will suffer in Corona Virus and civil war between the white KKK and the innocent Lambs of God, the black people. ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- John's baptism:- Trinity:-