Freedom of Religion and World InterFaith Harmony
City: VT,USA
Grace Initiative Global
Beginning in 2010, UN began celebrating the first week of Februaru for World Faith Harmony. Since then, events related to that week have been held throughout the world during the month of February. Further, in 2021 the UN General Assembly called for February 4 as the a Day for World Human Fraternity - first day ever dedicated to tolerance. This year, the UN combined events for World Faith Harmony with World Human Fraternity, emphasizing that tolerance, pluralistic tradition, mutual respect and the diversity of religions and beliefs promote human fraternity. Through combining events, the international community acknowledged it is imperative to encourage activities aimed at promoting interreligious and intercultural dialogue to enhance peace and social stability, respect for diversity and mutual respect and to create, at the global level, and also at the regional, national and local levels, an environment conducive to peace and mutual understanding. In light of these UN goals for inclusive understanding and respect for religions and religious beliefs, we are holding a virtual seminar on the importance of Religious Freedom for World Faith Harmony.
Therefore, we will invite representative experts to discuss the nexus of guaranteeing religious freedom, world faith harmony and human fraternity.