Feeding the Hungry

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Country: India
City: Kolkata

We know that World Interfaith Harmony Week is an annual event to be observed during the first week of February, starting in 2011. Palki Peace CC is proud to announce that it has become their annual program gradually. As every year, Palki Peace CC has celebrated WIHW on 2nd February this year as well. The main focus was to enhance mutual understanding, harmony, cooperation among different religious people. It was a sincere effort from our side to establish ‘Love of the god, and Love of the Neighbour’ and to promote harmony between all people regardless of their faith. The celebration was started with lighting candles and prayers.

As every year, we are able to celebrate with a midday meal of hotchpotch, potato curry, chutney and sweets for destitute people, irrespective of their caste, creed, colour or religion. Though the celebration itself was a big deal, the preparation was started one day earlier. We are feeling blessed by feeding about 7,000 people. Our goal is to establish PEACE among different people of various ages and religions. We feel very satisfied that, this year we were able to distribute blankets and clothes (200 pcs) among the street children and destitute of various religions.

The World Interfaith Harmony Week always gives us an opportunity to fulfil our desires at the grassroots level with this noble work. The programme was started around 10 a.m. and continued up to 5 p.m. (IST). It is relevant to say that, we have raised fund by our own to make this event successful. It is all your blessings, support and good wishes that every year Palki Peace CC is able to celebrate WIHW in such a huge manner.

- Abhirup Khan, Palki Peace CC Coordinator