Expressions of Bosnian Plurality in late 19th and 20th Century Sacred Architecture

In by Tarik Cengic IFB coordinator



Country: Bosnia Herzegovina
City: Sarajevo


February 3, (Wednesday), 2021

13.00-15.00 Second Round Table


Expressions of Bosnian Plurality in late 19th and 20th Century Sacred Architecture


Moderator: Amra Hadžimuhamedovi?


Nenad Makuljevi?, “Orthodox Architecture of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the Tanzimat (1839-1876)”

Boris Trapara, “Bosnian and Herzegovinian Sacred Architecture under Austro-Hungarian Rule”

Nataša Tabori, “Sephardic and Ashkenazi Sacred Architecture in Sarajevo during the 20th Century”

Alma Hudovi?-Kljuno, “The Architecture of the Bosnian Mosque since the War: God's House in White”

Danijela Ucovi?, “Aspects of Regionalism in Zlatko Ugljen's Architectural Plans for Catholic Churches”

14.30-15.00 Discussion