Everybody Belongs

In by Chairperson



Country: South Africa
City: Western Cape
  • Organizer

    Gatehouse Spiritual Centre & Novalis Ubuntu Institute

  • Location

    91 Brommersvlei Road Constantia Cape Town

  • Email

    [email protected]

Music belongs to everyone, and everyone finds their space in music. Choirs are places in which the joy of collaboration overcomes difference. That is why we have created an evening of choral celebration, to bring people together and uplift our communities beyond difference, beyond disagreement and beyond separation. We have chosen choirs for their diversity and their commitment to community. Our headline group is The Rosa Choir, a project of the Cape Cultural Collective that is about much more than just singing. It was started as a way to generate friendship, respect, tolerance and understanding. These are the values we bring to our WIHW celebration.