“Education brings Peace”

In by zeinab



Country: Austria
City: Lienz
  • Organizer

    URI CC Lienz/Austria

Since the beginning of this UN Initiative (WIHW) in 2010, our interreligious team in Lienz, Austria - Bildung bringt Frieden (meaning "Education brings Peace" - has organized with great joy different projects to foster a good relationship between people from different faith traditions. Pictures can be seen on our website until 2012, at which point we became a URI Cooperation Circle and photos can be seen on our URI page. This year, we would like to invite people in Austria, people worldwide, and you to join "ONE PRAYER FOR ALL" every time someone hears any church bell, muezzin, temple bell, spirit drum.... or sees a sacred site from any religion:
"Dear God, Allah, Great Spirit, Holy Father.... (or the name you choose)
Please bless and strenghten my thoughts, my heart and my hands, so that I may create more Heaven on Earth. Thank you."
Or in short form:
"May there be Heaven on Earth through me."
We will promote this prayer through media, Facebook, and mailings and use it to share the URI Preamble too. It would be wonderful, if you like the idea, to spread it in your region. I want to remind you of our other useful gift for interreligious work: "The Little Owl". It is a story about the question, "who created everything?" in 45 languages and videos. We have also worked to make the Heaven on Earth Wiki, a collection of people who work for a good future of the planet. With best wishes for a blessed WIHW, Elisabeth Ziegler-Duregger and the members of our Cooperation Circle.