In by Unione Induista Italiana



Country: Italy
City: italy
  • Organizer

    Italian Hindu Union - Sanatana Dharma Samgha

  • Location


  • Email

    [email protected]

PROGRAM JEWISH TRADITION Prof Sonia Brunetti, Pedagogist, former teacher at the Jewish School in Turin MUSLIM TRADITION Prof Mulayka Enriello, in charge of Education for COREIS HINDU TRADITION Svamini Hamsananda Giri, Vicepresident of the Italian Hindu Union This is the second webinar event organised by Italian Hindu Union on the occasion of the WORLD INTERFAITH HARMONY WEEK 2022. On February 1st the opening conference on "RESPECTING NATURE AND ENLIGHTENING CULTURE SO AS TO BUILD A BRIGHTER FUTURE" gathered representatives of different religious communities in Italy to discuss, in a spirit of friendship and mutual respect, the importance of the relationship between man and Nature i.e. between culture, faith and environmental issues. The second webinar on "EDUCATION BETWEEN TRADITION AND MODERNITY" is a threefold dialogue meeting between representatives of the Jewish, Muslim and Hindu tradition on Education. How do each tradition in their own peculiar educational system and knowledge face the everlasting dilemma between tradition and modernity?