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The Earth Charter is a document that consists of sixteen principles that drive the global movement towards a more just and sustainable world. Ecopeace Teen Café find the soul from the preamble of the Earth Charter that states ― We are once citizens of different nations and of one world in which the local and global are linked. Everyone shares responsibility for the present and future well being of the human family and the larger living world. The spirit of human solidarity and kinship with all life is strengthened when we live with reverence for the gift of life and humility regarding the human place in nature.‖ The webinar on Earth Charter: The Soul of Ecopeace Teen Café was held on February 25, 2022, at 7 pm IST. Panellists were talking about the role of the Earth Charter in the current time. Greshma Pious Raju is a young professional, has a strong desire and passion to be a peacebuilder interested in promoting international collaborations through various programs and projects. To complement her goal, she earned an MA in International Peace Studies from the University for Peace. She is the founder of Ecopeace Teen Café. She shared how Ecopeace Teen Café use Earth Charter Principles as guiding principles for implementing training sessions, guiding students to act for betterment of the world. Khadeejah bint Malik: Is a 19-year-old Filipino Jordanian born and raised in the United Arab Emirates. She was homeschooled, and currently is taking 11th Grade Humanities and Social Sciences in Manila. She is passionate in arts, poetry, peacebuilding, sustainable development, and caring for nature. She took the "Leadership, Sustainability, and Ethics" course in 2017 and joined the Earth Charter Young Leaders network. At 16, she delivered her first workshop with 24 schoolgirls of 14 nationalities held in Canadian University Dubai. With efforts from the Earth Charter, she conducted the first Earth Charter virtual poetry event in September 2021 with the theme "Sustainability and Women Empowerment". She volunteers with Ecopeace Teen Cahe fe and volunteers with Earth Charter as a cofacilitator for the "Leadership Sustainability and Ethics course." S reflected on Earth Charter principles and environmental protection. 28 Rocio is the Regional Coordinator of Earth Charter Young Leaders Panama since 2017 recognized by UNESCO. National Coordinator of the International Network of SDG Promoters Panama since 2020 Regional Coordinator of Ecopeace Teen Café Panamá since 2022 She explained about Earth Charter Peinciples and why it is important for community of life. She also explained about Mapting, A mobile application which helped to promote sustainable development goals. This mobile application developed by Earth Charter International and Soka Gagai International. The Earth Charter is a document consists of sixteen principles that act as a compass for humanity to follow ethical and sustainable lifestyles. Earth Charter is a living document which is relevant to generations.