Do religions threaten the French republic?
City: Paris
50 rue de Montreuil 75011 Paris – France
Do religions threaten the French republic?
How not to separate from each other.
We must recognize it, in actual French society, religions do not only have bad press. They are scary. Causes of conflict and violence for some, sources of obscurantism for others, they represent an obstacle to social cohesion for many and a threat to our public security. Religions institutions are not the only ones involved. Indeed, spirituality can itself appear as an anachronism, a sort of vestige of the past, which no longer weight much facing the merchandisation of the world and the demands of the consumer society.
What counts today is to be first and foremost a "non-labelled" citizen. For some militants of a falsified secularism, secularism must no longer be satisfied with ensuring the neutrality of the state, it must neutralize individuals in their differences and singularities. The diversity of religious convictions can still exist, but under the condition that it remains in the intimate, the private, the hidden, as a shameful thing to keep to oneself.
Finally, are our religious or spiritual diversities an obstacle to the social cohesion of our country, a threat to our freedoms? Or can they be an opportunity? What role could a well-understood secularism play in enabling everyone, believer or not, religious or atheist, to contribute to building a more united society? Other models are possible or desirable, so... how to make society?
From Saturday 30 January 2021 (9.30 am) to Sunday 31 January 2021 (12 noon), 3 roundtables by videoconference will be organized to answer these questions.
// Saturday 30 January 2021, 9.30am-12pm :
First societal roundtable
animated by Laurent Grzybowski, journalist at La Vie
Daniel Verba: sociologist, lecturer in sociology at the University Sorbonne
Valentine Zuber: historian, specialist in the history of religious freedom in Western Europe and secularism in France and in the world.
Lucie Roche, trainer at Convivencia, specializing in the religious fact in companies
Nicolas Cadène, general rapporteur of the Observatoire de la Laïcité
Karima Berger, author of several novels and essays under the sign of the face to face of the Arabic and French cultures and the questioning of her spiritual roots.
Martine Cohen, sociologist of religions and secularism
Daniel Lenoir, President of Démocratie&Spiritualité
Victoria Vilo, member of the association Coexister, researcher in society and religious sciences
Mohamed Bajrafil, Muslim theologian
Floriane Chinsky, rabbi
Vincent Pilley, Buddhist
Antoine Guggenheim, Catholic priest, responsible for relations with Muslims in Paris
1 young agnostic, member of the association Coexister
// Saturday 30 January 2021, 4.30pm-6.30pm :
Second societal roundtable
animated by Laurent Grzybowski, journalist at La Vie
// Sunday 31 January 2021, 10am-12pm :
Third roundtable "Dialogue of thoughts and Scriptures".
moderated by Radia Bakkouch, President of Coexister
Coexister is an independent youth movement, initiated by young people and for young people from 15 to 35 years-old. Youth is both the fuel and the drive of our movement, a chance for those who want to act without waiting to grow old. It is more than ever necessary to offer a space where they can express themselves fully and freely. Recognized of public interest, Coexister now gathers more than 2,500 members, including 350 volunteers holding responsibilities in about 50 local chapters in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Our workshops in schools and universities have allowed us to meet 120,000 youngsters, and sensitize them to secularism, freedom of thought and freedom of expression.