Discovering the Many Faces of Faith: Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism.

In by



2120 Academy Circle, Suite B

Colorado Springs, CO 80909

Country: Canada
  • Organizer

    Interfaith Harmony Halifax

  • Location

    2029 North Park Street, Halifax

  • Email

    [email protected]

Guide for Guests: Our guests will be welcomed as they enter the front door of the Centre. The sessions for the morning will be held in the practice hall on the ground floor. We begin at 9am with Confucian chanting. Guests are very welcome to join in. Handbooks are provided. At 10am guests are encouraged to join us as we continue our practice in a Taoist Tai Chi class. At 11:30am our guests are invited to share lunch with us. Lunch is prepared at the Centre by volunteers each Sunday and provides a time of conversation and fellowship.