Dances of Universal Peace – Multi-faith song and movement
Country: United States
City: Arizona
The Dances of Universal Peace are circle dances that lead to clarified consciousness and enduring inner peace. With a history of over 50 years in gatherings around the world, this easeful form of dance utilizes sacred phrases from the world's wisdom traditions. Circling to share and explore, uplift, and celebrate the essential unity of the people of all cultures, we embody prayer through simple movement, walk, chant, and song.
Recognizing our inter-connectivity, this multi-faith meditation in motion enlivens awareness of the essential unity we share. Participants report that these easy-to-learn dances serve as a transformative spiritual practice, opening hearts, developing equanimity, strengthening relationships and community, and deepening love, peace and happiness. Live music and simple steps joyfully touch the spiritual essence within ourselves and all beings.City: Arizona