Covid 19 Our Common Goal to Foster Common Understanding
City: Kaduna Northern Nigeria
Interfaith Mediation Centre
12 Mediation House. Kigo By Constitution Raod, Kaduna North, Kaduna State, Nigeria, N/A
As part of activities to mark the World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021, Interfaith Mediation Centre (IMC) embarked on a sensitization campaign on compliance to COVID-19 protocols using faith based approach to preach on the need for Peaceful coexistence amongst people of different faith. This year Interfaith Harmony Week targets the market people, women group and Secondary School students which are avenues that bring people of different ethnic and religious background to interact, which if utilized help people to socialize and share diversity and as a means to foster cordial working relationship among the people.
The Co-executive Directors in person of Pastor Dr. James Movel Wuye and Imam Dr. Muhammad Nurayn Ashafa led the team to Kawo Market on Tuesday and continued on Thursday, they met with women group at the District Head of Ungwan Rimi office of Kaduna North local government area of Kaduna State and later travel to Kasuwan Magani Market in Kajuru local government area of Kaduna State that has faced a lot of challenges in terms of religious conflict that has led to lost of lives and destruction of property in millions of Naira and has made community members displaced to other communities. During the visits the team met with the leadership of the market visited.
The sensitization commenced with an Interfaith Prayers which was followed by introduction of the Centre to the market people. The Co-Executive Directors, Pastor Dr. James Wuye and Imam Dr. Muhammad Nurayn Ashafa talked on what the two Holy Books says (Bible and Qur’an) in support of the unity of all mankind. The Co-executive Directors, drew the attention of the people to respect and tolerate each other’s religion and maintain peaceful coexistence in the state, they also called on the people to comply with the government directives on COVID-19 rules as people of faith and as enshrined in the two Holy Books to protect ourselves from any form of pandemic and to also mitigate and curtail its spread in the society.
They sought people of different faith to help create an atmosphere where present and future generations will co-exist with mutual respect and trust to one another. They called upon all to refrain from incitement and pledge to promote dialogue among themselves. They stressed that as people of faith there is need to imbibe the culture of peaceful coexistence and harmonious understanding amongst themselves.
When sensitizing the people on COVID-19 compliance the Co-executive Directors explained to them to stay safe by taking some precautions, such as physical distancing, wearing of mask, keeping rooms well ventilated, avoiding crowds, cleaning of hands, and coughing into a bent elbow, so as to prevent the spread of the virus. Also when educating the market people at Kasuwan Magani, Pastor Dr. James Wuye advised them to always maintain at least one meter distance when in large gathering when transacting with their customers to reduce the risk of infection when they cough, sneeze or speak. He also stressed that they should make wearing of mask a normal part of being around other people in the market or at home.
When addressing the women group, Imam Dr. Muhammad Nurayn Ashafa said women are the most important elements in the society as such they have a big role to play in this trying time of COVID-19 pandemic. He advised them to monitor the movement of their children and make use of facemask mandatory on them. Also point out that the appropriate use, storage, cleaning and disposal are essential to make masks as effective as possible. Speaking further, he explained to them the importance of hygiene, where he told them to regularly and thoroughly clean their hands with an alcohol-based sanitizer or wash their hands with soap under running water. He said this will help eliminate germs including virus that may be on their hands.
He pointed out during his presentation that peoples avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth. He explained that Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up virus and once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to their eyes, nose or mouth. The virus can enter their body and infect them. He advised that one should be conversant to wlwats ensure to cover their mouth and nose with their bent elbow or tissue when they cough or sneeze; then dispose of the used tissue immediately into a closed bin and wash their hands. This he said if abided with will help a lot to prevent the spread of the virus, he also advised that by following good ‘respiratory hygiene system’ you protect the people around you from the virus, which cause colds, flu and COVID-19. To frequently clean and disinfect surfaces especially those which are regularly touch, such as door handles, taps and phone screens among many other.
Pastor James also advice people on taken hygienic food and also hint on taking a cup of warm water every morning that will support one to have a good health and urged people to avoid cold drinks so as to prevent themselves from COVID-19 and by maintaining an environment that is healthy.
The Sarkin Kasuwan Kawo Alhaji Salihu Abdulrahman in his remark said: COVID-19 is real and people should listen to the advice of Imam and Pastor and other government health agencies on the protocols on COVID-19. He also thanked IMC for a great step to educate people.
A Woman Leader in Kawo Market, Mrs. Maryam Salami also added her voice with a word of appreacation and as an eye opener on the need to be tolerant of each other, irrespective of our religious and ethnic background, she said IMC unique approach to commemorate the Interfaith Harmony Week in sensitizing the public on COVID-19 and also called for peaceful coexistence and tolerance among the people of different faith is laudable and this simply means that peace is achievable. She shared that they have been hearing about COVID-19 compliance on Radio/TV but seeing IMC at Kawo Market enlightening the public is to attest that fact that as people of faith we should do our best to comply. At the end she pointed out that Muslims and Christians should respect each other religion and encouraged others Faith-Based Organizations to emulate IMC.
The Sarkin (chief) of Kawo Tuesday Market, Alhaji Saminu Abdullahi, thanked IMC for the sensitization and further said the Kawo Market leaders have been trying to sensitize people to comply on the COVID-19 protocol but people are not complying to the rules. He stressed that they will do more to ensure that people comply to the rules set by the government, seeing the coming of the Interfaith Mediation Centre to educate the market people.
The Hakimin (District head) of Unguwar Rimi in Kaduna North in the Metropolis of Kaduna town in his remark drew the attention of the people to live in peace with one another and called on the women to comply with the COVID-19 rules, he also urged them to take care of their children and put eyes on them in schools, because schools will be resuming soon. At the end he thanked Interfaith Mediation Centre (IMC) for coming to the community to sensitize the people in commemorating the World Interfaith Harmony week and he assured that they will be opened in future interfaith harmony week.
The event reach is about 700 persons in the target communities.