China-Italia Education on the Silk Road

In by Rosa Dalmiglio



Country: Italy
City: ROMA
China is a country with a great diversity of religion, with over 100 million followers of the various faiths.The main religionus are Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, China's Indigenous Taoism, along with Shamanism, Eastern Orthodox Christianity and the Naxi people's Donba religion.The Hui, Uygur, Kazak, Kirgiz, Tatar,Ozbek, Tajik, Dongxiang, Salar and Bonan people adhere to ISLAM-the TIBETAN BUDDHISM China Ministry of Culture and Tourism dedicate UNESCO PEACE EDUCATION documentary in ten language in MEMORY of POPE BENEDETTO XVI in Rome International School date: 2023-Febrary 1 The Silent Holy Stones starring:Danpei Lama Beijing Himalaia Audio & Visual Culture Communication Co. Ltd UNESCO-CHINA-ITALY-TOUR RELIGIONS into Monastery-Buddhism-Christian-Church-and Moschee