Chai pe Charcha- URI- North India and Afghanistan Zone
City: New Delhi
The first step towards improved understanding and peace, be it at a personal, national or global level, is to engage in dialogue. Most people have not been able to meet in safe spaces during the pandemic, which is why we have developed a virtual safe space for you to connect, share and grow. We are glad to be hosting our very first Chai (tea) with Subhi during the Interfaith Harmony Week 2021. Chai pe Charcha will be an open call for CC members, interns and other stakeholders of URI, that will be conducted every month, starting February 2021. This monthly call is an informal and comfortable space to express your emotions, opinions and discuss burning questions on sensitive topics that are swept under the rug, often causing ignorance and hatred.
Date: 2 February 2021 (Tuesday) Time: 5 PM - 6 PM (IST) Link: https://uri-org.zoom.us/j/. 83162458898?pwd=ZGJsSEJCdHFsK1ZpYzlvVjZiYitYdz09 Meeting ID: 831 6245 8898 Passcode: 528384