Celebration of the World Interfaith Harmony Week

In by zeinab



Country: Canada
  • Organizer

    Islamic Circle of North America Canada (ICNA-C).

To celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week (Feb. 1 to 7), Pastor Greg Armstrong and his student Daniel Byrne visited the Islamic Community Centre of Milton (ICCM), a project of Islamic Circle of North America Canada (ICNA-C).

The UN officially observes the first week of February as Interfaith Harmony Week, which seeks to foster dialogue and goodwill among faith communities.

I first met Pastor Greg and Daniel at the Islamic Heritage Month event organized by ICNA-C Milton chapter last year at the Milton Sports Centre. They came all the way from Mississauga to take part in our event and learn more about Islam and Muslims.

I was surprised to see such a young pastor and happy at the same time to have them among us and their keen interest in knowing more about Muslim Canadians and the contribution of Muslims to the growth and development of human civilization.

We have been in touch since then, trying to understand each other’s religious and cultural values, which finally culminated in their visit to ICCM.

A few ICNA members and director of religious education Huzaifa Khan were present at the gathering. We exchanged issues of mutual interest and agreed to work together on issues that impact both our communities, especially family values.

The guests also observed the Islamic ritual prayer and exchanged pleasantries with the congregants.

And we had some special samosas and tea. I guess a gathering without samosa and tea is no gathering at all (pun intended). It is truly an effort to build bridges of understanding.