Building Sacred Connections: Understanding How Implicit Biases Can Get in the Way of Building Meaningful Relationships
The Interfaith Center at Miami University
16 S. Campus Ave
City: Oxford, Ohio 45056
The Interfaith Center at Miami University
16 S. Campus Ave., Oxford, OH 45056
Building Sacred Connections: Understanding How Implicit Biases Can Get in the Way of Building Meaningful Relationships
Keynote Speaker: Priya D. Klocek, President & CEO, Consultant On The Go LLC
Co-sponsors: The Miami University (MU) Multi-Faith Enagagement for Transformative Action (META) Collective (mini-grant support), MU Hillel, MU Center for Diversity and Inclusion, MU Center for American World Cultures, and the Interfaith Youth Core (micro-grant support).
This 60 minute interactive session will focus on:
Impact of our culture on how we see the world.
How we can identify and manage our unconscious bias/blind spots?
Tools and techniques on how we can mitigate unconscious bias will be shared during the session.
During World Interfaith Harmony Week, it is important for the Interfaith Center, Miami University, and the greater Oxford community to address religious biases which perpetuate misconceptions and create unsafe environments within our community. We hope that through this program, and similar initiatives by TIC, Miami University and Butler County will become a more welcoming place for people of all diverse religious, spiritual and secular traditions.