Building Bridges Through Interfaith Dialogue

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Country: United Kingdom
City: , London
    World Interfaith Harmony Week. World Interfaith Harmony Week, I am glad to say, is attracting growing attention in the UK. One event, held at the House of Commons, was chaired by the Lord Lieutenant of Greater London. Several members of Parliament participated (a welcome break for them from the Brexit saga). The fact that different communities are now often identified by their faiths has made co-operation between faiths a matter of concern to all engaged in public life – to the police, the fire and rescue services, the health services and to all in local government and many other agencies. Speakers included DrDavid Dangoor, The Lord Lieutenant of Greater London; Lord Hylton, Founder of the Ammerdown Centre, Mark Fox, the President of the West London Synagogue; Rev Dr Marcus Braybrooke, Joint-President of the World Congress of Faiths. In my speech, I pointed out that it is easy to forget how significant it is that World Interfaith Harmony Week has the backing of the United Nations. In 1943, when plans for a UN were being debated in the British Parliament, Dr George Bell, the then bishop of Chichester, suggested that the new body needed an advisory council of leaders from the world faiths. Nothing came of this and for nearly fifty years, because of the Communist Veto, no mention of religion was allowed at the UN.’ The initiative for the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week was taken by King Abdullah II of Jordan in September 2010 and within a month had the unanimous backing of the UN. One could wish the UN more often acted with such speed and unanimity.