Annual Interfaith Commemoration ’21

In by zeinab



Country: United States
  • Organizer

    CSU Legal Information Clinic, Concordia Student Union

  • Location


Join us at the virtual Annual Interfaith Commemoration of the fourth anniversary of the massacre at the Centre Culturel Islamique De Québec mosque in 2017.
This year's theme will focus on Hate and Intolerance in times of the pandemic. Our speakers will explain how their communities have been negatively impacted by COVID-19 related discrimination and disinformation, scapegoating, and other forms of intolerance.
The event will provide students from different faith backgrounds with the opportunity to honour the victims of the tragedy and stand together against hatred and intolerance in the Montreal and the Québec community.
Keynote speakers are:
🕯️ Ehab Lotayef, Spokesperson from Muslim Awareness Week
🕯️ Rabbi Ellen Greenspan, Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom
🕯️ Vicky Boldo, Cree/Métis Cultural Support Worker, The Otsenhákta Student Centre
🕯️ Rev. Ellie Hummel, Chaplain & Coordinator at the Multi-faith and Spirituality Centre.
🕯️ Fo Niemi, Executive Director at the Centre for Research-Action on Race Relations (CRARR)