Aligning and Designing Sacred Thoughts, Words and Actions

In by



Green Market Santa Cruz

Saddle Road, Upper Santa Cruz

Country: Trinidad & Tobago
City: Santa Cruz, Trinidad

1868 740-8571

Many sages have suggested that if one learns to align oneself with the universal sacred geometry, one can download the entire universe into one's self. All of the world's faith traditions extol peace, harmony and the human search for eternity as foundational. The awesome abundance and mysterious multi-form beauty of the physical world implies the generosity and love of a Great Spirit. True faith anchors itself to courage, steadfastness and humility. But true faith is also about ACTION: As James asks in the Bible "What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don't show its by your actions? Can that kind of faith save anyone?" Our event is designed to stimulate and create joint actions across faith traditions to address some of the socio-economic problems plaguing Trinidad& Tobago. Through both planned and spontaneous activities over the course of three weeks, this "pow wow" * will specifically yield a plan for a set of weekly actions to be undertaken by not only participants but by their larger faith groups. There will be a one day wrap up event on Feb 23 The Green Market Santa Cruz in Trinidad (& Tobago) continues its tradition of inclusiveness in this multi-cultural, multi-faith Caribbean island by designing a "pow wow", where all the faith traditions co-existing will address this important issue of how people of faith act--how they put their faith into action. There will be opportunities for sharing of healing activities through music, prayer, meditation and food preparation. Open education with faith leaders will encourage conversations about common points in diverse sacred scriptures. As the Green Market is situated in a garden, there will be a special focus on the role of environmental stewardship as a pathway for interfaith action especially ways in which groups can grow food and contribute to food and nutritional security. In summary, our event will hopefully create an intentional blueprint for not only interfaith harmony but interfaith action by stimulating intentional thoughts, conversations that are aligned with the highest aspirations of the varied faith traditions, which include First Peoples, Orisha, Hindus, Christians (of many kinds), Muslims and various syncretic faiths. * the origin of the word "pow wow" is from the Naragansett language meaning magician or he who dreams.