A Student Scientific-Practical Conference Titled: “Tolerance in Religious Teachings”

In by nurilla



Country: Uzbekistan
City: Tashkent


  • Organizer

    UNESCO Chair in Comparative Study of World Religions at the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan

  • Location

    International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, 9 Abdulla Qodiriy Street, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

  • Email

    [email protected]

On February 5, 2025, as part of the series of events for The World Interfaith Harmony Week, the UNESCO Chair in Comparative Study of World Religions at the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan will host a Student Scientific-Practical Conference on the topic “Tolerance in Religious Teachings.” This conference will feature the participation of students from the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, the Tashkent Islamic Institute, and Tashkent Orthodox and Protestant seminaries. The event will provide a platform for students to present their research and discuss the following key topics:
  1. Issues of peace and tolerance in religious teachings.
  2. The spiritual and educational foundation for preventing radicalism among youth.
  3. The role of religious organizations in fostering human fraternity and tolerance.

Information for Participants:

Articles presented at the conference will be published in a scientific compilation. Participants are responsible for the accuracy of the information in their submissions.


Electronic versions of articles can be submitted via Telegram to @scientist_98 (+998935669822) or by email to [email protected].


100011, Tashkent, Abdulla Qodiriy Street, 11, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Department of UNESCO Chair in Comparative Study of World Religions and Religious Studies.

Deadline for Submission:

Articles must be submitted no later than February 2, 2025. This conference will serve as a valuable opportunity for young scholars to explore and discuss the values of tolerance, mutual understanding, and harmony embedded in various religious traditions. It also highlights the role of academic dialogue in fostering interfaith collaboration and nurturing the next generation of ambassadors for peace and understanding.