Country: Italy
City: ZOOM Webinar
organised by Italian Hindu Union (Unione Induista Italiana-Sanantana Dharma Samgha)
ZOOM Webinar
[email protected]
On the occasion of the WORLD INTERFAITH HARMONY WEEK 2022
Prof. Aldo Altamore, astrophysicist, former academician of the Department of Physics University Roma 3 in Rome
Prof. Bruno Abd al-Haqq Guiderdoni, astrophysicist, Vicepresident COREIS and Director of Research at CNRS in Paris
Svamini Hamsananda Ghiri Vicepresident Italian Hindu Union -Sanatana Dharma Samgha
This is the third webinar event organised by Italian Hindu Union on the occasion of the WORLD INTERFAITH HARMONY WEEK 2022. On February 1st the opening conference on "RESPECTING NATURE AND ENLIGHTENING CULTURE SO AS TO BUILD A BRIGHTER FUTURE" gathered representatives of different religious communities in Italy to discuss in a spirit of friendship and mutual respect the importance and relationship between culture, faith and environmental issues. The second webinar was on "EDUCATION BETWEEN TRADITION AND MODERNITY" a threefold dialogue meeting between representatives of the Jewish, Muslim and Hindu tradition on education and transmission of spiritual values.
The third webinar is titled "A LOOK UP IN THE SKY BETWEEN FAITH AND SCIENCE" and is a a threefold dialogue meeting between two astrophysics, a Catholic and a Muslim space scientist, and a Hindu monk. The main theme is the relation between Faith and Science and how the explanations on life and the universe given by the Catholic, Islamic and Hindu religion can coexist with scientific discoveries.