1000 Peace Cranes, 1000 Plantings, 1000 Prayers for a Peaceful Planet
Country: United States
City: Southern Appalachia -- Northeast TN, Southwest VA, Western NC
Proposal: To enlist the cooperation and involvement of congregations of different faiths in a joint project of physical & spiritual work for a peaceful planet. Specifically, through the actions of tree planting and of prayer, this World Interfaith Harmony Week event seeks to not only raise awareness of the twin existential threats to humanity – climate chaos & nuclear war – but also to facilitate the acts of prayer and planting that aim to reduce the risks of both catastrophes.
Applicant: Northeast Tennessee United Religions Initiative Cooperation Circle
Project partners: Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons URI Cooperation Circle; Green Interfaith Network Inc.; Appalachian Peace Education Center; Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance; Catholic Committee of Appalachia
Background: Sadako Sasaki was two years old when the US dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. She survived the blast but developed leukemia ten years later and was hospitalized for debilitating symptoms. Because it was believed that your wish would be granted if you folded 1000 origami peace cranes, Sadako scrounged up enough paper to make 1300 cranes before she died. Her wish was that she would get well again, and that the victims of the world would attain peace & healing. At the Hiroshima Peace Memorial built in Sadako’s honor, the plaque at the base reads: “This is our cry. This is our prayer. Peace in the world.”
Sadako’s wish is our wish. Her cry & prayer are ours too: Peace in the world! Through this event, the Northeast Tennessee United Religions Initiative Cooperation Circle seeks to engage the various congregations in our Cooperation Circle (CC) as well as our partners’ congregations in focused prayer for disarmament and climate protection through tree plantings and peace crane origami throughout Southern Appalachia.
Project Timeline: January 23-March 7, 2020
January 23, 2020, Thursday: gathering of leadership team to watch the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists DOOMSDAY CLOCK announcement and then meet (in person or through Zoom) to choose, write or combine different options of an Interfaith Prayer for the Climate. United Religions Initiative has already produced a "Nuclear Prayer" which will be prayed at each tree planting. See https://uri.org/uri-story/20160707-nuclear-prayer-videos
February 1, 2020, Sunday: World Interfaith Harmony Week Pot-Luck Dinner and Introduction of Project: “1000 Peace Cranes, 1000 Plantings, 1000 Prayers for a Peaceful Planet”
February 7, 2020, Friday: Film showing: “Sadako & 1000 Paper Cranes” & an origami party to fold 1000 Peace Cranes. Location TBD.
March 1, 2020, Sunday: Distribute 1000 Trees, 1000 Peace Cranes, 1000 Prayer Cards with Interfaith Prayer for the Climate and URI Nuclear Prayer
March 7, 2020, Saturday: Submit event report.
Project Budget: $19,575
WIHW Pot-luck Interfaith/Intercultural Dinner: $650
Hall rental: $250
Compostable Dinner Ware: $250
Composting Service: $50
Sadako Film showing & Peace Crane Folding Party: $500
Origami paper: $125
Pizza, popcorn, fruit, beverages: $250
Compostable Dinner Ware: $75
Composting Service: $50
Tree purchases: $15,000
1000 Gingko* Trees @ $15/tree = $15,000
Book purchases: $675
100 “Sadako & the Thousand Paper Cranes” paperbacks: 100 @ $5.99/book = $599 + tax ~~ $675
Prayer card printing & graphic design: $2750
1000 Cards @ $2.75/each = $2750
*Because Gingko trees survived the Hiroshima bombing, they are symbols of hope. City: Southern Appalachia -- Northeast TN, Southwest VA, Western NC