509 – Elizabeth Padillo Olesen
Elizabeth Padillo Olesen on behalf of our working team
Kolding Deanery (Kolding Provsti), Folkekirken (Lutheran Church in Denmark)
Dear friends in the common endeavors for world peace and harmony,
Greetings and congratulations to the United Nations and to the team of WIFHW that coordinates the creation and submission of events which give flesh and meaning of this global observance in our local contexts.
Putting them together in a calendar of events and reports, and enabling us to read what have been carried out in many places within the given time frame from January to March, you have allowed us to see our global context with peoples of different religions and peoples of No-faith – who dream the common dream to live in peace, hope, love and harmony.
We, representing the Cross-Cultural Ministry of Kolding Deanery which consists of 30 local churches in Kolding, and The Migrant Work and Faith Encounter Ministry of Haderslev Diocese, connected to 7 deaneries in 7 towns in Southern Denmark, would like to express our thanks and gratitude to the visioners and organizers of WIFHW. We would like to thank also all those who have participated in the observance of this local and global event in our time and history.´
We have just begun from our side. We joined last year and this year we continue to seek for more partners in celebrating WIFHW. And we will continue to do so, seeking to find ways and means to allow meetings of people for common understanding, learning, fellowshipping, creating networks of support for those in need, appreciating beauty in human talents and celebrating life together.
Sincerely yours,
Elizabeth Padillo Olesen and Pastor Michael Markussen
Cross Cultural Ministry of Kolding Deanery (Tværkulturelt Arbejde i Kolding Provsti)
Camilla Henriksen and Mette Staal
The Migrant and Faith Encounter Ministry of Haderslev Diocese (Migrant Samarbejde og Folkekirkens Religionsmøde i Haderslev Stift)