445 – Saleh Majed Al Abwaini

In Letters of Support by

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Saleh Majed Al Abwaini

Title/ Position



Your Message
Al Salam alaikom,
Peace be upon you,
Among a very complicated political, economic and social situation we are currently suffering all over the world. Indeed we are in need to such initiatives that help the coming generations to believe and understand that there is still such harmony between all human beings.
In Jordan we are very proud that we were all raised on the concepts of mutual respect and the right for all to seek their opportunity in this life, our wise leadership under his majesty King Abdallah II , and late King Hussain have paved the way to abide by such a legacy of Islam.
I am very proud to have this chance to express my support to this great initiative, looking forward for the 2018 prizes.
Thank you and God bless you.