386 – Dr Allama Abulfateh G R chishti

In Letters of Support by

Your name (required)
Dr Allama Abulfateh G R chishti

Title/ Position
Fouder /President

Modern Islamic Studies Centre


Your Message
I myself and on behalf of `Modern Islamic Studies Center, most humbly pay salute of reverence to H M King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussain the Great of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan whose brain child is the UN`s `World Interfaith Harmony Week`(WIHW), and I must covey my most respectful Salam to popular Royal Prince Dr Professor Ghazi bin Muhammad bin Talal, whose erudition and pen power explained and elucidated the Idea of the King in such a way that it was unanimously adopted by all the nations of the world at United Nations General Assembly in October 2010.
This historic royal action undoubtedly has proved the royal entities as the benefactor of humanity as a whole generally and of Muslim Ummah particularly as it has given the sense of confidence to Muslim world who was suspicious and hesitated to share interfaith dialogue movements as the extremists have declare the interfaith dialogue as anti-Islam. Uncountable thanks to Royal Hashemite Kingdom pride of Muslim world for leading the Ummah to the path of Interfaith Dialogue by creating UN`s WIHW. As Much as we thnak is never enough May Almighty Lord bless the Kingdom Amin.