278 – Dr. William F. Vendley

In Letters of Support, United States of America by

Your Name (required)
Dr. William F. Vendley

Title / Position
Secretary General

Religions for Peace

United States

Your Message
21 January 2011
H.M. King Abdullah II Bin Al-Hussein
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Your Majesty King Abdullah:
On behalf of the members of Religions for Peace – the world’s largest multi-religious coalition with a presence in nearly 100 countries – I welcome with enthusiasm the UN General Assembly’s adoption of your country’s Resolution establishing The World Interfaith Harmony Week.
The World Interfaith Harmony Week presents a special opportunity to recognize the existing interfaith contributions to peace, and to encourage others to join in the great work of principled multi-religious cooperation for the common good.
From global to grassroots levels, the religious believers who have worked together to build Religions for Peace for the past 40 years have respected religious differences and united in common action for peace. The World Interfaith Harmony Week is bringing helpful and much needed public recognition of the importance and value of multi-religious cooperation.
Your Majesty, Religions for Peace esteems most highly your leadership and looks forward to fruitful collaboration with the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and other countries in The World Interfaith Harmony Week.
In this spirit, we applaud and support your initiative and look forward to joining you and many others around the world in celebrating it.
On behalf of Religions for Peace and with appreciation, I remain
Most respectfully yours,
Dr. William F. Vendley
Secretary General