Interfaith week on environment starts Sunday

In News by 1 Billion Rising Lower Mainland Initiative

Interfaith week on environment starts Sunday

By Elaine Ayala

January 28, 2016

Father Ron Rolheiser shown in 2005, when he became president of Oblate School of Theology. A popular speaker and author on Catholic spirituality, he will be named San Antonio’s new peace laureate at the peaceCENTER’s annual Blessing of San Antonio Peacemakers on Sunday. Photo: ROBERT MCLEROY /SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS / 2005 SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS


Father Ron Rolheiser shown in 2005, when he became president of Oblate School of Theology. A popular speaker and author on Catholic spirituality, he will be named San Antonio’s new peace laureate at the peaceCENTER’s annual Blessing of San Antonio Peacemakers on Sunday.

In recognition of World Interfaith Harmony Week, the University of the Incarnate Word with various San Antonio faith groups will present an 11-day series of events on the topics of peace and climate change.

“Together Caring for Creation: An Interfaith Week of Learning, Reflection and Commitment to Action” will include talks, music, recreational activities and worship services. Ongoing until Feb. 8, many events are free.

A worship service at 11 a.m. Sunday will be hosted by Celebration Circle at SAY Si, 1518 S. Alamo St.

Here are some highlights:

3 p.m. Sunday, Oblate School of Theology’s Whitley Center, the peaceCENTER’s annual Blessing of San Antonio Peacemakers will feature the appointment of Father Ron Rolheiser, the Oblate School’s president, as San Antonio’s new peace laureate.

6:15 p.m. Monday, UIW Rosenberg Skyroom, scholar and author Zeki Saritoprak will speak on “Jesus in Islam.”

7 p.m. Monday and again Feb. 8, SoL Center, University Presbyterian Church, 300 Bushnell Ave., retired Trinity University professor Meredith McGuire will speak about water stewardship in the face of climate change. Cost is $35; register at (210) 732-9927, or

11:30 a.m. Tuesday UIW Mabee Library Auditorium, screening of “Renewal, a Documentary Film” about Americans from wide-ranging faith traditions who have become environmental caretakers.

7:30 p.m. Wednesday, San Antonio Friends Meetinghouse, 7052 N. Vandiver Road, “Caring for Creation: An Evening of Guided and Silent Meditation.”

10:30 a.m., Thursday, UIW Mabee Library Auditorium, “Caring for Creation: An Exploration of Climate Change and Faith from a Biblical Perspective.”

11:30 a.m. Thursday, Episcopal Church of Reconciliation, 8900 Starcrest Drive, “Celebrating the Season of Creation in Worship,” a workshop for worship and community leaders of all faiths.

6:30 p.m. Thursday, UIW Mabee Library Special Collections Room, “The Islamic Declaration on Climate Change.”

7 p.m., Thursday, Lord of Life Lutheran Church, 5955 FM 78, music program, “Divine Harmony, Human Voices Call Out to God.”

1 p.m. Friday, Heritage Hall, Village of the Incarnate Word, “Laudato Si,” a discussion of the pope’s encyclical on the environment.

6:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday, Temple Beth-El, 211 Belknap Place, “Pursuit of Harmony,” a Shabbat service featuring Jewish singer-songwriter Michael Ochs and Palestinian songwriter and commentator Alan Alshaham.

9:30 p.m. Sunday, San Antonio Mennonite Church, 1443 S. St. Mary’s St., “Caring for Creation,” adult Sunday school on scriptural aspects of creation care.

6 p.m., Monday, library, Denman Estate, 7735 Mockingbird Lane, “Centering Prayer and Discussion on Ecology.”

For complete event listings, visit

Twitter: @ElaineAyala

