Archive of Events


Below are the list of WIHW events that took place globally for the year of 2015.

Location: shri p.k. chaudhari mahila arts college
Address: near s.t. depot. sector-7, gandhinagar-382007, gujarat, india

international seminar on sanskrit literature harmony with other literature.
DATE-06 february 2016 LAST DATE FOR PAPER SUBMISSION-31-12-2015 by email only
no fee for registration, selected papers will take place in ISBN book.subjects-harmony sanskrit literature with morden aspect like in morden life, astrology, peace of mind, space science, nasa, environment, geogrophy, aaurveda, sociology, vedic mathematics, world literature, agriculture, animal husbandary, medicine,engineering, economics, science, commerce, nechropathy.sent papers in new times roman-14font. give details name title of the paper,home address, institute name and address, designation, email, mobile number,

The Sacred Bee Part 1

Start Date: Wednesday 3rd of February 2016 07:00:00 PM
End Date: Sunday 7th of February 2016 09:00:00 PM
Location: The Bee Shop
Address: 1340 Bloor St. West, Toronto, Ontario M6H 1P2 Canada

Designed for world religions classes. The Sacred Bee is a multi-part film series that gently unites the world's major faiths through the paradigm of the honeybee. What does the bee do she extracts the essential from the flower. We thus visit each major spiritual tradition and extract the essence from it; its divine qualities and virtues. Using the bee as a mirror we analyze whatever was said about the bee in a spiritual tradition and reveal how she reflects those hallmark qualities of the faith she is mentioned in. Part 1 explains the importance of a sacred attitude, the importance of the bee to the human family and the bee in the Christian, Judaic and Buddhist traditions. Running time 57minutes. Film presentation will be followed by a honey tasting, viewing of art work commissioned for the film and a multi-faith prayer and meditation session.

World Interfaith Harmony Week Celebration - 2015

Start Date: Sunday 14th of February 2016 12:00:00 AM
Location: 4 West 43rd Street, Ballroom
Address: New York, NY 10036
Meditation, Interfaith Prayers for World Peace and Harmony, Yoga, Music, Dance, Kirtan, Art Show and much more

TOGETHER Caring for Creation: An Interfaith Week of Learning, Reflection, and Commitment to Action

Start Date: Sunday 31st of January 2016 12:00:00 AM
End Date: Sunday 7th of February 2016 12:00:00 AM
Location: University of the Incarnate Word
Address: 4301 Broadway, San Antonio, TX 78209
1 - Building on the relationships between people of different faiths which our university and the founding group, the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, have built over the years, 2. In light of the Catholic document "Laudato Si" and the "Islamic Response to Climate Change" and other recent statements by religious leaders, 3 - Partnering with local groups and reflecting on global issues of sustainability, 4. Through presentations, discussion, commitment to action, and celebrations of and meditations on the beauty of creation particular in relationship to the nature sanctuary called the Headwaters which is a part of Incarnate Word. Texts, practices, and leaders in Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Native Traditions, and other groups have wisdom that can help in relation to climate change and environmental crisis. Academics, people of faith, and people of action will learn from each other and encourage each other.

Universal Declaration of Peace

Start Date: Sunday 24th of January 2016 12:00:00 AM
End Date: Sunday 24th of January 2016 12:00:00 AM
Location: World Association of Buddhism
Address: Calle 7 n°1595 Costa Bonita, Quequen, Cp7631, Buenos Aires, Argentina
In January 24, 2016, it will be performed a Universal Declaration of Peace. This is what the world needs now. After created, it will be sended to United Nations (UN).

Costume and religion of the Ethnic Minorities of China

Start Date: Friday 5th of February 2016 12:00:00 AM
Location: International-School

The Week of Rapprochement and Human Harmony (2nd)

Start Date: Tuesday 2nd of February 2016 12:00:00 AM
End Date: Thursday 4th of February 2016 12:00:00 AM
Location: LDCM Lab.2/ Laboratory Research ,Batna university 2. Algeria DZ
Address: Batna university2 Haj Lakhdar
Rapprochement and Human Harmony along Globalization 1-From Clash of Civilizations to Dialogue of Civilizations 2- From Dialogue of Civilizations to Alliance of Civilizations 3- From Alliance of Civilizations to An Appeal to One Civilization to One World 4- From One Civilization to One World to Promoting Interfaith Dialogue of Religions The goal of the Event: The meeting aims to: -Contribute in upholding and consolidating the Concept of humanitarian cooperation which is founded mainly on mutual respect and strenthening the cultural and relationship between Nation. -Participate in supporting the notion of promoting the trends of humanitarian harmony, co-existence,tolerence and dialogue between cultures and civilizations - Link the theoretical goals and content of promoting Interfaith dialogue of religions within One civilization to One world. -To explain our project of hope: The Future of the Dialogue of Civilizations Along Globalization within Rapprochement and Human Harmony in our globalize World. Note: We already organized many International Conferences about dialogue of civilizations and cultures in contribution with Institutions of Kingdom of Morocco and togethers published many books and articles.See my website:

Interfaith Seminar" Islam - relegion of peace".??????? - ??? ??????.

Start Date: Thursday 4th of February 2016 12:00:00 AM
Location: Shaheen Banqute Hall.
Address: Shadab colony, Jhang Road. Faisalabad. Pakistan
Recitation of Holy Quran. Pray from Gospel by Priest Nisar Barkt. Well come word by Secretary general. Speech by Ahnaf Scholars. Speech by Shia scholar. Speech by Ahlehadith (salfi) Scholar. Speech by Priest Khalid Rashid Asi. Speech by sardar Amrjeet Singh. Speech by Mayor of Faisalabad. Speech by Haji Akram Ansari MNA. Thanks words by Chairman , Roots of Peace and Development ,Pakistan. All distingueshed guests and Audience will be invited for High Tea.

Dances of Universal Peace

Start Date: Friday 12th of February 2016 12:00:00 AM
Location: Light Body Fitness
Address: 2445 W. Highway 89-A at Blue Heron Way, Sedona AZ
Our Dances are moving mandalas and sung prayers and meditations, a celebration and experiential voyage into the Love, Truth and Beauty that are at the heart of all spiritual teachings worldwide. No previous experience necessary. These simple circle dances are all taught as we do them.

Unity In Diversity ~ Together In Love

Start Date: Friday 5th of February 2016 12:00:00 AM
End Date: Saturday 6th of February 2016 12:00:00 AM
Location: Take Time For Peace takes place around the world, beginning at 12 noon in the Pacific Islands.
Address: The Interfaith Forum for the public will be held in the First Unitarian Universalist Church.
Take Time For Peace is a Global Interfaith Initiative conceived and coordinated by Lubbock Interfaith Association and developed with Interfaith Initiatives across America. The event takes place during WIHW on Friday, February 5, at 12 noon in each successive time zone around the globe, with people using words for peace as appropriate for each belief, faith, or perspective. The Take Time For Peace Flyer is distributed electronically through e-mail, FaceBook, Twitter, texting, etc. In 2015 people in more than 200 countries participated in the event, surrounding the world for a day with words for peace. The Public Interfaith Forum will feature representatives from nine traditions and perspectives speaking to the topic of Diversity: Hinduism, Judaism, Atheism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Paganism, Unitarian Universalist, and Baha'i Faith. Following the presentations, the Forum will be opened to Q & A with the attendees. Previous Public Forums have been extremely well received and generate thoughtful respectful, and lively conversations about religious beliefs, practices, and respect.