“Dialogue on Faith, Peacebuilding & Development,”
he dialogue occurred in commemoration of United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/65/PV.34 of 20 October 2010, which established the ‘World Interfaith Harmony Week’ and designated the first week of February of very year as the time for its commemoration. The dialogue was aimed at discussing the importance of faith to promote peace and the role of faith-based organizations in fostering development as a means to maintain peace. The discussion at the event also recognized the important role that the Secretary-General’s Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism will have in the discussion of faith and peace-building and in the joint efforts of adherents of different religions in the prevention of violent acts that lead to terrorism. The event was composed of two panel discussions and began with Mr. Francesco Pisano, Chief of the UNOG Library, opening the dialogue by sharing welcome remarks on behalf of the United Nations in Geneva to the 130 audience members. The first panel allowed …
Grandmufti Dr. Shawki Allam Initiative
The joint initiative of Grandmufti Dr. Shawki Allam and UN General Director Michael Moller to overcome the stereotype driven media frame about muslims by creating annual tolerance reports discussed in parliaments about the status of minorities in each country https://academicimpact.un.org/content/new-report-examines-perception-religion-and-looks-ways-increase-dialogue-and-trust-across