On Saturday February 10, 2018 in Paris, France, despite cold weather and icy roads, more than 100 people took part in the Interreligious and International Peace Festival, to strive towards two principle objectives: to give a pure and sacred base to their couple by inviting Heaven into the center of each of their families; and also, to endeavor to become couples and families more altruistic, ready to serve their circle of family and friends and to take responsibility to build a nation and a world more united and more fraternal. The festival began with a video on the theme: “The Family is the School of Love and Peace”, followed by a PowerPoint presentation by Mrs Hanna Lotterie on theme “True Families to Heal the World”. After a musical interlude, they were invited to celebrate the four fundamental values of a true family: unity, purity, fidelity and forgiveness. The 10 Couples first shared the “cup of unity” which symbolized their desire …