Listening to the Statement from the Heart

In by Sulayman Hart



Country: Australia
City: Melbourne
  • Organizer

    Rev Helen Summers OAM

  • Location

    The Interfaith Centre of Melbourne PO Box 18335 Collins Street East Melbourne Victoria 8003

  • Email

    [email protected]

People of all religious and spiritual traditions and no tradition, are invited to gather with religious and community leaders from twenty organisations, to stop and listen to the Statement from the Heart, which was composed in Uluru in 2017 by over 250 representatives of Aboriginal communities. We will listen to the voice of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in hope for reconciliation and healing our nation's broken heart. We will remember the principles we share of Love of God, or love of the Good, and Love of the Neighbour, as we reflect and respond to our Neighbours, the First Nations People of Australia, the oldest living culture on the planet.