World Interfaith Harmony Week

In by zeinab


Country: India
Mou Banerjee (39) from Kolkata, West Bengal shares her beautiful find with us today. This Hindu has no qualms buying and sporting a ring with sacred Islamic text on it. Describing the ring, she says, "It is an intaglio ring in silver and carnelian (?) with the message توكلت عليه tawakkaltu ʿalayhi "I trusted in Him" (= I rely on God), repeated in a spiral. I bought it at a curio shop, Habeeb Mullick & Sons, in Darjeeling. I was told by the proprietor of the shop that the ring's message was a prayer of protection - which it is. I wear the ring when I need strength, as well as a reminder and consolation that God is with me and everything will be alright at the end. It gives me a sense of peace."