Interfaith Connection Cambridge: ‘To repair the world…’

In by zeinab


Country: United Kingdom


A gathering open to all faith communities in Cambridge exploring themes from diverse faiths about how we live in the world today. The Interfaith Cambridge Connection brings together people of faith in Cambridge so that we can learn about one another’s traditions, understand one another better, extend hospitality to one another, and become friends. We are open to people of all faiths. The current steering committee includes members of local Jewish, Baha'i, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and Christian communities. We gather three times a year, taking it in turns to host one another. The Hebrew phrase 'Tikkun Olam' means 'Repair of the world' and encourages ways of living on our planet that seek to improve it and to ensure social justice. In this event, representatives of several faith communities in Cambridge will share something from their traditions and practices on the theme, 'To repair the world . . .' Join us as we explore our diverse faiths and create connections between people of different faith backgrounds in Cambridge. Light refreshments will be served. Children are welcome, supervised by an adult at all times. Ticket holders will receive venue information (a location in the city centre of Cambridge, to be confirmed) on the day before the event.