Country: United States
The resolution recognises initiatives that foster interfaith and intercultural dialogue and encourages all Member States to actively promote a culture of peace, tolerance, inclusion, understanding and solidarity.
The spirit of the day is to celebrate human brotherhood and its underlying principles – such as mutual respect, cultural and religious diversity, and the promotion of intercultural and inter-religious dialogue of shared values that unite us as one humanity.
In commemoration of the International Day of Human Fraternity 2024, the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) is organizing a virtual event for Member States, religious leaders, faith-based actors and civil society representatives.
The event will take place this Monday, 5 February, from 11:00 to 12:00 EST (New York time) and will provide an opportunity to highlight the principles and values contained in the Human Fraternity Document and renew the joint commitment to promote mutual respect, religious and cultural diversity and advance dialogue.