Art Exhibition at Kolding Main Library

In by Elizabeth P. Olesen

The 5th  Art Exhibition in relation to UN World Interfaith Harmony Week as arranged by the Cross Cultural Ministry of Kolding Deanery in cooperation with the Office of Migrant Cooperation and Encounter with other Religions of Haderslev Diocese. 22 artists from 6 countries  joined this time in the exhibition with art works in acylic, water colors, oil, graphic illustration, and glass. Added to the work of the artists, were some poems and drawings done in other activities. There were 26 display boards, provided by the library for  the exhibition and two of these boards displayed the information on UN World InterFaith Harmony Week on its history and the religious principles on Love of God and Love og Neighbor and Love of the good… The exhibition was attended by many people and singing artists from Ukraine and from the Philippines.. The vice mayor delivered a very challenging speech for the necessity of supporting the intentions of WIFHW.