Honolulu’s 8th Annual Interfaith Harmony Event Breakfast
February 13th Tuesday 9:00 am to 10:30 am Hawaii Standard Time (HST) 1350 Ala Moana Blvd. (corner of Pi`ikoi Street, Honolulu)
Rev. Dr. Thomas D. Lynch, Master of Ceremony
Representatives of the religious leadership within Hawaii were invited to attend the 8th annual World Interfaith Harmony Week breakfast. This year 35 attended representing Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Bahai’i and other faiths. The breakfast opened with a Hawaiian Oli or prayer and Bishop Matsumoto of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii spoke to the assembled group on the topic of Aloha Kakau. Aloha, in the Hawaiian language, is the ‘breath of life’, and it is offered as a greeting to another person as a gesture of good will and oneness. However, when we add Kakau it conveys that greeting to all who are gathered. This was inclusiveness is reflective of this year’s breakfast theme of “East Meets West with Aloha: Rekindling the Bonds of Interfaith Relationships” as we gathered for the first time in two years since the COVID pandemic. Of particular importance was that most of the those present remained after breakfast to engage in deep conversation with individuals from other faith traditions. A reminder of how fragile our relationships are and how important it is to nurture them.
Speaker: Bishop Eric Matsumoto, Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii
Prayers: Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, and Bahai’i
Sponsored By: Interfaith Ohana Hawaii and The International Academy for Interfaith Studies
Please see our event on our UN World Interfaith Harmony Week – Interfaith Ohana Hawaii Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/interfaith.ohana.hawaii