The Art of Sacred Sound in the Muslim Context: Psalms and Islam
The was 3-rd seminar organised by the Oxford Interfaith Forum for the WIHW2023 was focused on ART and Music. Art can help to break the misconceptions of Islamophobia and resolve the Western myth of the religious Other, including our Muslim neighbors. Islamic art is not monolithic; nevertheless, vision-centric calligraphic art eclipses the vocal-centric art of pietistic Islam in public. The seminar discussed the voice-centric soundscape of Muslim society and provide a common ground for scriptural engagement through the book of Psalms in a Muslim context. Over 150 people attended the seminar, and the recording has been viewed 379 times at the moment of submission of this report. Furthermore, the Head of Religious Education Resources of North England attended the seminar and she requested a copy to be disseminated to all RE teachers at schools.