FACES OF FAITH: World Interfaith Harmony Week 2023_ Interfaith Round Table, MI, USA
Interfaith Round Table (IRT) of Washtenaw County conducted a week-long educational social media campaign aimed at (i) spreading awareness and a deeper understanding of diverse religious traditions and (ii) encouraging dialogue to build trust and friendship, and (iii) dismantling stereotypes in observance of World Interfaith Harmony Week.
Each day one particular faith tradition was highlighted (Baháʼí Fait, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism), and some of the misconceptions about that faith were also dismissed that have been widespread in the public and media incorrectly. In addition, Interfaith Round Table invited online community members to share one of their faith tenets/pictures or dismantle a stereotype to post. Various entries were submitted.
This campaign reached out to a broader online community. It provided an excellent opportunity to learn about each other’s faith traditions and build meaningful relationships to create social harmony. Interfaith Round Table also shared all educational graphics with its members via its newsletter.
nterfaith Round Table is thrilled to report that although it was an online campaign, it was well received with great interest. Due to its positive impact, many posts/stories were shared with other groups. More people plan to participate in the Interfaith Round Tabel future campaigns and become more active in their communities.
All graphics are available on the Interfaith Round Table Instagram and Facebook pages. Please visit the Interfaith Round Table Facebook and Instagram handles to view the infographics. Some of them are attached to this report. Through this campaign, Interfaith Round Table created a motivating space where people could bridge the gap and better understand their neighbors.
Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/irt_connections/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/irtwc
Short Video: https://www.instagram.com/p/Co2gRmSDhpn/
Website: https://irtwc.org/