World Interfaith Harmony Day- How to be a good host/guest in a house of worship

In by zeinab



Country: Canada
  • Organizer

    Tri-City Interfaith Council

  • Location

    St. Anne's Episcopal Church 2791 Driscoll Rd. 'Fremont, CA

  • Email

    [email protected]

Tri-City Intrfaith Coucil invites you to celebrating World Interfaith Harmony Day on Saturday, February 25, 2023 at St. Anne's Episcopal Church, Fremont from 3pm to 5pm and learn - How to be a Good Guest and Good Host at Your Neighbor’s House of Worship Panelists from major world religions will discuss how to be a good guest at your neighbor’s house of worship, how to be a good host when welcoming people of other faiths into your house of worship, and teachings and traditions of hospitality and tolerance from their religions. There will also be break-out groups for the audience to discuss and reflect upon these themes based upon their own experiences. Please view the webpage here. It will be a Hybrid event. For Online attendance please signup for zoom link. For attending in person please signup as we cannot go beyond 100 people due to Covid restrictions also masks are mandatory.