Online World Interfaith Harmony – Thoughtstorm® Session

In by AvatarOceania



Country: Australia
City: Victoria Melbourne Australia
World Interfaith Harmony – Wednesday 1st February Thoughtstorm Session: 6am AEDT / 8am NZDT / 7pm GMT (31st January)7:30pm NZDT. We will be using questions from the Thoughtstorm® Manual to explore the topic: World Interfaith Harmony If you would like to register for one or more of these, please contact us and once you have registered, we will be in contact with you to provide you with an instruction sheet for the Thoughtstorm and a dedicated Zoom link for the event. Thoughtstorm® Harry Palmer the author of the Avatar® materials and Thoughtstorm says – “One of the things that I have learned from life, is that service to others, if it is done well and within a viable economic context, is contagious. Help someone; show kindness, and the next thing you know they are figuring out how to pass it on to someone else. That’s my strategy for contributing to an enlightened planetary civilization®. I intend to create, within a viable economic context, an epidemic of compassion.” How did Thoughtstorm come about? Thoughtstorm is a technique developed from a seed of speculation: Are there more effective (rational, cooperative, compassionate) ways of thinking? Methods whose long-term consequences will not lead to oblivion. This is the Genesis of Thoughtstorm. What is it? What is experienced is a forgotten sensory ability – mind-linking. Creative energies explode and there’s a marriage of creativity and compassion. The direction moves from a narrow range of possibility into discovering corecepts where individual minds merge into a much more powerful cooperative awareness and a deeper, more compassionate comprehension of reality. Because this process taps into abilities already present in the human mind and into aggregates of consciousness straining to express themselves, very little practice is required.