Cricket Match for Interfaith Harmony

In by zeinab



Country: Bangladesh
  • Organizer

    World Record Holder & URI

  • Location

    Circuit House Filed, Barguna

Following the schedule, our next program was the cricket match for interfaith harmony. Sports is a kind of event where the distance between different religions is demolished. In a team every religious people can play as a team, they play for their country. It's the best demo that if we, all religious people can stay together then the world would be better. Sports teach us the unity, that humbleness that the world most in need. At this time people are getting so rude and violent to others relegation. Everyone should respect other's religion. Sports ties people in one line and this is actual views of sports and sportsmanship. Sports ties people in one line. There is no border for Sports. The distance between Bangladesh and Argentina and Brazil are about thousands of miles but the people of Bangladesh love Argentina and Brazil for there’s football team, they love Messi and Neymar though they are from a different religion. That unconditional love happened for sports and this also can tie the people of a different religion. So, sports can be a great tool for establishing interfaith harmony.