“Shining Light on All Sides: Diminishing Discrimination”

In by zeinab



Country: United States

Kathy Leonard: 561-289-4621

  • Organizer

    JAM & ALL Interfaith

  • Location


An engaging evening featuring the interfaith perspectives of youth

About this event

We are thrilled to feature the creativity and passion of JAM & ALL Youth in our February online roundtable gathering! These remarkable young people have been hard at work putting together a panel of teens from different faiths, to share their perspectives on faith, religion, and embracing diversity. “Shining Light on All Sides: Diminishing Discrimination” will focus on how each of us perceives our own and other religions and how practitioners of other faiths perceive each of us. Through a lively panel discussion led by young adults and moderated by JAM and ALL leadership, we will analyze and confront our biases so that we can better understand each other, with the goal of embracing the uniqueness in each of us and our faiths. In this very special event, you will hear the perspectives of young people who believe that by learning more about those who are different from us, we all become better. Please join us on February 7th, at 7:30 pm Eastern! The event is free, but registration is required in order to receive the Zoom link. JAM & ALL Interfaith is a non-profit organization founded in 2001 whose mission is to connect people through conversation and education to create peace, harmony and understanding. Please visit our website for more information: www.jamandallinterfaith.org