Debut JOIRE Harmony CommUnity and 9º Encuentro Scriptural Reasoning Madrid “Leadership” | 21.02.2021

In by Temir Naziri

ARCO FORUM, as a partner of the CommUnity project co-funded by the European Commission within the Harmony CommUnity Campaign of this project, created JOIRE, the Joven Ensemble Interreligioso Español. In this ensemble young musicians from three different abrahamic religions come together to rehearse songs with the aim to present them at concerts all around Spain and at the Youth Creative Festival in Brussels, Belgium on the first weekend of July 2021. On sunday, 21st of February they made their first concert with great success! After the concert people were invited to participate in the ninth Scriptural Reasoning activity. In these activities young people from up to three different abrahamic religions come together and talk about different topics based on their sacred writings. This ninth session of Scriptural Reasoning was about the topic “Non-violent responses to Haters” with the participation of muslim and christian young people.