Dinner Dialogues – “Who is my neighbor? Greater Houston, Local connections”

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The Dinner Dialogue has been a program of Interfaith Ministries for almost 10 years. In the past, it has been most often held in private homes where a group of 8-12 Houstonians from a variety of religious traditions gather to learn about one another’s faith traditions. We have also hosted a dinner at a single site where all guests were in the same location. We have held dinners that focused on certain faiths in particular and others that have focused on interfaith dialogue in general. Regardless of format or topic, the intent of the dinners has always been to provide an intimate, enjoyable environment for participants to learn about one another’s faith traditions in a respectful format.

From 6:30pm until 9:30pm

At local houses of worship


Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston / 713-533-4969

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