Universalist Unitarian Service

In by IHHalifax



Country: Canada
City: Halifax, Nova Scotia (Online)
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89164133865?pwd=NHFaV1diS1RoOVp5Tkhyc0hVZ25DQT09 Meeting ID: 891 6413 3865 Passcode: nXjK78 Our Community: The Universalist Unitarian Church, part of the religious landscape of Halifax since 1837, is founded on the idea that people of diverse religious faith or none can unite in community and support one another in the quest to give meaning to life. A special service at 7:00 p.m. will give an introduction to our faith tradition. (Our normal services are on Sunday morning at 10:30). Our congregation welcomes people of all faiths or none and builds a loving spiritual community and celebrates spiritual diversity.