Interfaith group pledges to use religion’s influence to address climate change, desertification, pov

In by ibrahima

Interfaith group pledges to use religion’s influence to address climate change, desertification, poverty and environmental degradation in Africa. Muslim and Christians scholars with environmental NGOs and CSO, Volunteers climatologist, and community leaders in Nigeria has gathered in kaduna to mark the end this year world international interfaith week and harmony through trees planting Campaign.   According to Ramatu Tijjani, a peace advocate in Nigeria ,she says The aims of the interfaith gathering is to used trees planting to promote peace and religious tolerance among different faith base organization. People from different countries were invited to attend the conference in kaduna north western Nigeria The theme of the event is Tag” Planting the seed of peace in our communities” and over 2000 differents plant species were distributed to all the participants of the event, She note the planting trees would help in tackling farmers and cattle breeders fights and it would reduce desertification and environmental degradation. It combines concrete climate action with education for sustainable lifestyles, while fostering a community of young African and European , dedicated to make a difference. Large number of youth were invited to learnt how to plant the seed of peace in their home,schools and football station Each Trees for Peace activity is carried out by young people (20 – 30) and is combined with workshops on sustainable living. We believe that planting trees is a powerful way to bring people together, experience community and strengthen a sense of global responsibility and leadership in young people. It can inspire youth from all backgrounds to be active citizens, joining together for a more sustainable, and peaceful future. And because we can achieve more together, Mean while ,Leading climate scientists has called for the involvement of interreligious bodys & Traditional rulers to save the environment through local campaign in communities. Lack of involving religious cleric and traditional title holders in the daily battled against the dangers of desertification, deforestation ,climate change ,and all kind of environmental degradation worries science climatologist. The patron African climate reporters Dr yusuf Nadabo make the called during an interview with the journalists on the role of inter-religious organization and traditional title holders in supporting the fight against global warming and environmental challenges. He note that Faith-based organizations play a significant role at the global, regional and local level in addressing climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution,and environmental degradation. He said, Many religious today carry on the tradition of faith-based environmental activism and stewardship,toward reducing the burden of trash dump centre across the planets Without air there is no life and polluted air has become an invisible killer. Annually, about 7 million people die as a direct result of poor air quality. We need to act, and communicate, about the environmental challenges we face and how we can fix them in order to meet our Sustainable Development Goals different religious texts which remind us how faith is connected to the environment: Islam: “Devote thyself single-mindedly to the Faith, and thus follow the nature designed by Allah, the nature according to which He has fashioned mankind. There is no altering the creation of Allah.” (Qur’an 30:30) Christianity: “We must treat nature with the same awe and wonder that we reserve for human beings. And we do not need this insight in order to believe in God or to prove his existence. We need it to breathe; we need it for us simply to be.” (Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, 2010) He concluded by saying that world international interfaith week has enabled us to inform ,educate and enlighten citizens on the importance of peace and unity.